Q: What the hell is up with the way you draw shit?

A: Well, I don't use the normal flood-fill way of coloring - yet I can't be arsed into shading that much... that, and I draw stuff
with my totally wicked WACOM Intuous2 A4 Regular tablet, which gives everything that 'hand-drawn' feel to what I do.

Q: Ok, so like... when are you going to turn this into a real gaming comic? Are the characters gonna do funny jokes
at gaming stuff from the past something?

A: I would prefer to answer such questions with a grid-linked linear cannon, but since I don't have any at hand I'll just say

Q: Linear what?

A: cannon, linear cannon. Geez... go watch some Gundam Seed (and or Destiny)

Q: So... you're some anime fuck? Why isn't the comic done like anime & manga crap then?

A: Don't make me wash out your mouth in Goliath's jizz ok... and I don't draw it like a manga because I just don't draw that way!

Q: Dude you suck, your shit's retroactively cockmongering!

A: Somebody's been reading a little too much Sexy Losers lately, haven't they?

Q: You're just screwing around with this, aren't you?

A: The comic or this FAQ?

Q: The FAQ...

A: Why yes, is that a problem?

Q: I... is that a bucket of... oh god, get it off, no... NOOOooargplhurgagaaa....

A: Someone finally got that bucket o' jizz over from Goliath I see.


Moral of the story: Don't ask silly questions for an FAQ... someone might just answer them.

If you got something you'd like to ask about, just E-maul the lovable little viking who makes this @ webkilla@gmail.com



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