So... You want to know more about the guy who makes this, other than the fact that he's actually drawn a 'bongblade' in the comic?

Come on - just doing that should tell you plenty about me!


But ok, here goes:

Name: Alexandrovich Schlopodov

Political affiliation: Communist party, Russia



ok, lets try that one more time and be real about it this time:


Name: Alexander Lüthje (Attempts to pronounce my last name has previously resulted in fecal incontinence... be careful)

Age: Well... my B-day is the 22nd of January and I was born 1986... you do the math

Hobbies: Webcomicry, sex, LARPing, furry fandoming and dipping people in butter and/or russian made cheese-based gravy.

Most commonly used web-alias: Webkilla (Oh for the love of Daphne, a webcartoonist who put himself in the comic?)


  I will put my evil in you!

I try to hard...

Stuff you might want to know about me:

I am

That's about it for now...


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