
Species: Osady Seed

Class: Second

Gaming Clan Affiliation: Killa Clan

Trademarks: Big ass cloak, bigger gun, is digitigrade.

Prefered Gaming Weaponry: Generic high-powered sniper-type weaponry

Height: 1.2 meters

Bio: None - Shive has yet to post anything in his gaming bio and thus no information is available.
        Actually, no real information seems to be on him... all dataprobes sent having gone inactive.

        What little there is known about Shive is what there can be derived from general info on his
        seed and what there has been seen of him while gaming:

      - Shive have semi-flourecent eyes, so he always wears large cloaks or other headgear to protect them
      - Shive being Osady, has very keen eyesight. It is speculated that his eyesight has been psionickly bio-upgraded
      to such a degree that he can see individual molecules.
      - Shive's tail is prehensile and has been seen action as a lethal weapon
      - Shive likes big guns...
      - Shive is the team sniper for the Killa Clan

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