Old news: (yawn...)

4-Jan-2010: New year, new storyline!!

Ok assholders... RELEASE!

It is time for a new storyline... PROPHECY.
(cruise control for cool... but you still have to steer)

Introducing: Gay ewes, psychic vixens, pangolin BBEGs and... stuff!

25-9-2009: YOU WANT UPDATES!?

Yes, another month without updates! Glee!
Ok, I know - I suck, really I do... and while my hatred for
other webcomics going on and off "hiatus" all the time prevents me
from officially declaring anything similar here, then I will tell you, my faithful and starved reader,
what I have been spending my ill gotten time on:

I want to make the next storyarc better. I know that I'm not the best cartoonist out there,
but with a 200+ page script spanning many chapters I want this next story arc to be
the best I've ever done. For this I want to try and fix one of my IMO greatest shortcommings:

Backgrounds. I basically right now try to make a ton of stock background images, all
drawn in usual style of course, that I can then shamelessly recycle in my comic,
so I A) dont have to draw that much in backgrounds anymore, and B) actually
bother to put in background, because I never bother with step A.

Now, I am making these background shots BIG. So when I use them for
real it will only be small bits of them, so you'll never fully get the same
background... at least not intentionally.

TL:DR - I'm making shit for the next story arc, hold on to your asses ass holders!


31-8-2009: YOU WANT UPDATES!?

So cockslaps - I've finally wrapped up my second story arc.
The next big story arc, which seems to me to possibly be even longer
than the two previous ones combined, will detail the life of our
favorite Masta, Alex Domoni, prior to forming the Killa Clan with
Shive and Goliath.

Oh, and on a sidenote: I really, really like that people actually
call out for updates on my tagwall... its a good way to keep my
nose to the grind. Also, according to comicgen hit-statistics, then
despite my lack of updates these months then I still average around 100
unique hits a day, which i've done for the last three years...
Basically this means I have a nice and loyal readership, and for
this I thank you all who read my wee comic.

Now on to more comics, more tits and more MIGHTY MORPHING MEGACOCK!

11-8-2009: A year of... stuff happening

Sorry about the massive lack of updates the last 3 months. I'm just digging myself
out of a massive art/comic block now. That said, then I plan to spend the last few weeks
of my summer before starting my studies again getting the comic up to date.

Thats right, a fucton of comics will soon be flooding this place, we'll even be
moving into the next big story arc... which essentially is like the last one, except its
about Alex Domoni, our favorite mega-haired swordslinger!

Also, I've updated the archive with a story-line listing, and I've updated the links section
since some of the comics there has sadly ended or been discontinued.

Also I got my BA in Medialogy. BRB getting masters.

20-8-2008: Homg stuff happening!

I've redone the site layout a lil bit... moved the character bios page into
stuff, added a "photo gallery" part to stuff (where all my photos from different places and crap will be)
and I've also reached the point in my life where I've managed to take a short trip to yonder
United bluff... and hooked up with my girlyfriend! (and thus dispelling the myth that furry webcomic makers
are wee basement virgins...) A good load of fancy pics from that trip is up in the photo gallery section under Stuff!


16-2-2008: Ya ya I know...

But I has a new camera, so I took some pics!

28-1-2008: Ressurection Scroll cast with Dragonforce!
So... tool users - the time has come.
A new go at keeping the webcomic alive, after a few months of
being a dick and not updating, even when I said I would.
So now I try again! but this time the circumstances are different, I've
moved to a dorm, gotten my shit together there (more or less), met
a nice girl, and found some nice power metal and stuff to listen to...

lets see what happens!

25-10-2007: New pages n shit
Here we go again. Put up a gimungous links page with a shitload
of links to my favorite webcomics... it is hueg like my dick - so beware.
Also, moved some of the less relevant pages to a 'stuff' section... figure if
people want extra content they'll be smart enough to look there.

also, it appear that it might not be so long until I get to move
back to my room... joy! But who knows, shit might still happen. Untill then
I think I've found a temporary update schedule where I do all three
comics for the whole week during the weekend... my plan hopefully being
to build up a buffer to combat these nasty latenessess... which fail and loose.

Spread the love people!

8-9-2007: CrazyGoingSlowly
Ok, seriously... as if my home situation wasn't
bad enough my university workload has exploded with
the fury of a thousand constipated truck drivers' freshly
crapping assholes. Seriously...
Anyway, I'm pounding away at the comics, trying
to catch up - and I will - and I'm also working on
giving the site a few new thingies and doohikies...
I've updated the fanart section with some old stuff pre-dating the
comic, plus I'll hopefully soon get around to making a comprehensive
link page... but since I got over 300 other webcomics bookmarked
then that might take a while, since I wanna do the link page with commentary
to each linked site or webcomic.

It puts the lotion in the basket...

20-8-2007: WhyCantWKEnjoyHisInterbutts?
Ok shitlicks and lickshits - here's the deal:
Saturday the 18th of August our basement here at home
got a wee bit flooded. This is bad because I used
to live down there... I don't anymore. At the moment
I'm crashing upstairs in my fathers equally makeshift
office - and because of his love for music I don't particularly
cater too, then I'm finding it kinda difficult to get my
creativeness on all the time whenever I try to make
new webcomic pages. It doesn't help either that I've
been busy clearing out the entire basement (my sister
lived down there too... she's busy getting scammed by
fake appartment-rentals in her search for alternate
living quarters)
In short: I will, by the sweaty curly hairs on my scrote,
keep updating the comic as usual - although I might
miss a few deadlines, but I'll get the comics up later
then if that happens... which I have... many times

06-8-2007: Cameo's and fanart bonanza!
Lotsa cameo's comming this way... if you would like to
be in the comic just email me some ref pics and we'll talk

23-5-2007: Stay with me!
Ok, flash time! Enjoy!

25-4-2007: Upgrades and downtime
As those who've been reading
the shoutbox would know then I've
been having some trouble with making
my computer run my art programs, making it
somewhat tricky to make the comics.
That issue has been resolved, and I'll
making comics and backlog the lot today and tomorow

12-2-2007: Read My Pizzants, My l33t Skil33t!
Friday the 9th I learned how to code
basic ActionScript in Flash. For the comic this
will mean that certain future comic updates
will be nothing but a link to my Deviantart page
where I'll have the flash animation hosted.
I'll most likely use it for really action-filled
sequences or something... meh, who knows!

22-1-2007: Suckit bitches!
Today yours truly turned 21... so suck it down
all you tools out there, WK is now adult all over
the world! weee!

8-1-2007: Trying again... :p
In december this site got an average of ONE HUNDRED
visitors a day, not hits, individual visitors...
 so if its not too much to ask, try the forum! I like
getting response from my readers other than random
blurts in the shoutbox... try asking for a cameo, or
perhaps if you're confused about something said
or done in the comic - feel free to ask!

23-8-2006: The leprechauns made me drink it...
Ok, so I'm back from Ireland now, had fun...
I also made a little page here telling about it, the link is
 right here

30-7-2006: Hard Knock Irish
This is why a lot of webcomics
tend to occationally go on 'hiatus'
(A fancy word for 'not updating')
Trick is that yours truly will soon be
going on a two week vacation to Ireland


and that means that I'm desperatly trying to
make a two week buffer of pages so the comic
will keep updating while I'm gone...
This is not easy! Making one page right now
can take as much as two or three hours with coloring and all,
so the comics for the next while are probably going to be
in black and white so I can save time and instead make
more comics... you like that? More comics? Yes? Good!


  10-07-2006: For Sigmar
Hokay, here be teh deal:
For the next week or so, I'll be
off to a mad LARP far far away...
but lucky you, then I've managed to
poop out a buffer large enough to
plug the gaping hole that is your
ass for just long enough for me to
get away with not being to make

Also: I'll be looking a little like this:
 The armor, the hammer, all handmade by yours truly... and the hair is real :D


30-05-2006: Updates
Character page for Hana
is now avaliable. Go check it
for cute pic of Hana and stuff.

8-05-2006: Hentai
It is oroficial. From this day on
Psiotechniqa the webcomic is NC-17...
This means porn people!
(As if you hadn't already noticed...)
If I get as much as one E-mail saying
"hOmg ur comic is teh sex" I swear I will
post Goliath fucking dead children....

...while using newlyborn kittens as easily
crunchable buttplugs!

28-04-2006: Upgrade
"It rubs the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again'
Think bukake. Also, with the last couple of comics I've
seen some nice improvements in how the coloring and smoothness
of the art has turned out. I've started using the Airbrush tool
in OC3...

24-03-2006: gunDAMN!
With today's comic, we reach
what I would call an artistic
milestone in the comic. The first
more or less real addition of
gundam-derivatives into the comic.
For this reason I have added a nice little
disclaimer at the bottom of the main page
(this page)
and the same disclaimer on all archive pages.
I am adding this because I want it to be
known that I am only including gundams (or
mecha similar to gundams) in my comic
as works of fanart, because I think
they are so insanely cool and fit in
quite nicely with the rest of the comic.
Expect me to include similar disclaimers
later on if I choose to dick around with
more copyrighted material..

13-03-2006: More Fanart
(more or less)
With my brilliant means of
skullsex, I have secured myself
another piece of random fanart.
Damn... I guess this mean I'll have
to make some fanservice... oh wait

I did!

13-02-2006: Rapekit Redux
I'm ditching the Shoutbox
because it has started to
spawn evil pop-up ads of
skulls, doom and eternal darkness (+5)
All comments, praise, skullsex and
the likes should be misdirected to the

23-01-2005: Yesterday I turned 20
Yup, sorry folks - but as of
now your residing webcartoonist
is no longer a teenager...
I got, amongst other things,
a small anvil - I could not
be happier! XD

15-01-2006: Buttplug and Play!
For the last week or so my
computer has been doing to
me what George Dubya has
been doing to the American
It involved the reformat of
a drive with all my Gundam

4-11-2005: Dip me in butter 3
Ok, I know I've been a couple hours
or so late with my last couple updates,
but its cuzz I got this here math exam
today (as in november 4th) so
after this there shouldn't be any
Also: 300 daily hits?

5-09-2005: Kept Pratce
Char and FAQ buttons added...
Also - due to university
homework and such, then my news
updates here will probably
be limited to sporadic updates.
The comic itself will go on undisturbed

3-08-2005: Dip me in butter 2
Page about me added... hehe
Also: check the booty on Hana! Rawr!

25-07-2005: Keeping Pratce
Ok, new page - tagboard added,
more stuff added. Do note that for
the time being, I wont be getting
a forum - not untill I'm sure that
people will actually want to
use one...
(so I settled for the tag-board)

22-07-2005: Ok, this seriously blows...
Did you know that very few fuse-boxes and such
protect again power surges and shirt sircuiting in the wiring?
Can you say "Damaged components"?
the comic for the 20t and the 22th won't come, but
I might be able to make new ones for monday again...

21-07-2005: I blame Harry Potter
I do blame him, for he has yet to get laid at the age of 16...
Also - the comic for the 20th will come, I just have to make it,
after I've read if Harry gets any... (Cuzz I ain't!) :'(
I also think it's about time I add an 'Old news' section to
this place, seeing how much space these her micro-blogs are taking.
Step will be taken, they'll just be very small and very slow. SUX2BU

29-06-2005: Style Check
Ok, so here's the deal:
In anticipation for following trials,
which will be mostly highly action-based combat,
then I'm experiment with a less time-consuming way
of doing the comic. Dull scenes will probably be in color...
Also, I'll be making proper buttons for the FAQ and char listings
once I get Hana's char page done.

17-06-2005: OH NOES!!!
I've just graduated from high school...
Go me - my sister gave me World Of Warcraft,
so I forgot make an update for today...
I'll make it sometime this weekend
and post it asap!

10-06-2005: Dip me in butter 1
I've updated the character page so todays comic
makes a little more sense... Also, I dicked around a little and
made a fun lil' FAQ for yall to get a lil kick out of: LINKY

15-05-2005: Too Much Updating...
Ok, got some character pages set up... See them here: LINKY
made. Well, not really. I did write the story I'm currently using as script some years ago, so this
really isn't any surprise to me. What is a surprise to me however, is how much of a pain it is to create
new pages for something like this! ARGH!!!!

14-05-2005: I, Geek
Wow... Having drawn all the technical info for the comic, I've realized just how detailed a universe I've
made. Well, not really. I did write the story I'm currently using as script some years ago, so this
really isn't any surprise to me. What is a surprise to me however, is how much of a pain it is to create
new pages for something like this! ARGH!!!!

2-05-2005: Got Compression?
Ok, I must apologize for my second JPEG-compression fuck-up. I will be fixing them!!! Fear not, but it will take a while, so until
I got my buffer made nice and big, then nothing will happen. BUT! When I do get around to fixing them, then I should
be able to also give the entire site a bit of a facelift, including character pages and a little surprise...

23-04-2005: Got plot?
So... the plot thickens! I'll be starting some basic index pages and such shortly, probably also a few character pages as well
- trust me, you'll be needing them

16-04-2005: Getting started
Wow... finally got the webcomic up and running n stuff... Never thought I'd actually appreciate some of Microsofts programs
but Frontpage isn't really as bad as I'd thought it was. Either way:



 Psiotechniqa is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
